Coach Profile: Cathy Lipsett - Ringette

Coach Profile: Cathy Lipsett - Ringette

National Coaches Week, Sept 19-27

Author: BC Games Society/Friday, September 25, 2015/Categories: 2015 News, Alumni

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The first ever National Coaches Week is September 19-27.  An initiative of the Coaches Association of Canada and the Provincial and Territorial coaching organizations, this week celebrates the tremendous positive impact coaches have on athletes and communities across Canada.  This week is an opportunity to recognize coaches for the integral role they play by simply saying #ThanksCoach.

The BC Games and Team BC are part of BC’s athlete development pathway, but also provide an important opportunity for coaching development.  Organizations like BC Ringette have seen the progression and success of their coaches through these programs.

In honour of National Coaches Week, the BC Games and Team BC are profiling five of our outstanding coaches and saying #ThanksCoach with a gift card and Team BC recognition item.

Cathy Lipsett, Salmon Arm

1.    Why did you choose to get into coaching?

I played competitive sports, when my children started to get into sports; I felt I should be giving back to the sports that I enjoyed in life.

2.    What is your coaching certification level?

Ringette Competition Development

3.    What is your favorite thing about coaching?

Seeing improvements in the athletes and the athletes believing in themselves

4.    Which multisport Games have you attended?

2002 and 2004 BC Winter Games
2011 and 2015 Canada Winter Games

5.    How is coaching at a multisport Games different from a single sport event?

It shows the athletes that there are other athletes that are as passionate about their sports.  I really enjoy the athletes watching other sports and cheering them on.  The respect they give to their home Provinces.

6.    What was your favorite memory from coaching at the BC Games or Canada Games?

One of my favorite memories was the hard fought double overtime gold medal we won at BC Winter Games.  Another one was being the only team throughout the round robin to beat the eventual gold medal Province at Canada Winter Games.

7.    Do you have a coach mentor and what have you learned from him/her?

Yes, it is my basketball coach. You train with dedication and respect of the game.  He taught us to work extremely hard, through some fun in there and you get a team that bonds together and can be very successful.

8.    What has been your best success in coaching?

Earning respect from the athletes and in return giving them respect.

9.    What are your next goals as a coach?
To continue to develop athletes to be better than they know is possible.

ViaSport is the lead for National Coaches Week in British Columbia.  Read more about how you can recognize coaches and all the activities taking place around B.C.


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