BC Games on Global BC

BC Games on Global BC

Author: BC Games Society/Monday, November 25, 2013/Categories: 2013 News

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The BC Games launched its new ad campaign on Global BC.  As a long-time Corporate Partner, Global BC provides the production and air time to ensure that BC residents are informed and inspired about the Games.

The campaign for the Mission 2014 BC Winter Games features Mission residents Eden Donatelli-Green and her daugher Janie Green.  Eden is a bronze and silver medalist in short track speed skating from the 1988 Olympic Games and is a coach of the Ridge Meadow Racers.  She is also the volunteer Director of Registration and Results for the 2014 BC Winter Games.  Janie is a speed skating athlete who has been training to qualify to compete at the BC Winter Games in her hometown this February.

 "This is where it begins" is theme of the campaign and speaks to the importance of the BC Games in inspiring commitment, excellence, and pride in both athletes and volunteers.   Have a look at the new ad campaign on our YouTube page.


Eden Donatelli Green - Olympian, Coach, and Volunteer


 Janie Green - aspiring 2014 BC Winter Games athlete


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