Staying Healthy at the Games

As the Games bring together people from every region of the province, appropriate precautions are put into place to help minimize health risks. Safety measures are developed and implemented for each Games consultation with provincial and local public health officials and in partnership with the host society and venue owners.

Covid-19 is an ongoing issue in our communities. During the Games, we strive to ensure athletes are provided with the safest competition experience possible and that everyone involved in the Games is able to enjoy their experience and leave the Games with memories and not illness!

Personal Tool Kit

There are many tools that can help protect you, other volunteers, and participants from COVID-19 and other communicable diseases. It is up to each person to make use of these tools to ensure we keep one another safe while at the Games.

  • COVID-19 vaccines – Staying up to date with your vaccines, including booster doses, will give you the best protection against serious illness from COVID-19 and its variants.
  • Masks – The Games are a mask-friendly environment. Except for when required, wearing a mask is a personal choice. No one should be made to feel as though they are being judged for said choice – respecting one another’s personal comfort levels is imperative. Wear a mask in places where it is required.
  • Clean hands – Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer often, such as before eating and after being in public spaces or after handling shared objects
  • Monitor yourself – It is important to monitor your health.Before you come to the Games, consider completing the BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment to ensure you feel healthy enough to travel. While at the Games, continue asking yourself these questions each morning and talk to your coach if you are feeling unwell.
  • Refer to the BCCDC Your Personal Toolkit for more resources and tips.

During the Games, participants should consider how they are feeling and use the BCCDC Self Assessment Tool at and tell their coach if they are not feeling week.

Volunteers should do this assessment before they arrive at their shift each day and report to their Chair or supervisor if they are not feeling well.

This tool helps to identify people who should be assessed for COVID-19. The majority of people do not need to have COVID-19 testing at this time and have mild symptoms that can be treated with common over the counter medications like Tylenol and Advil. If you have mild symptoms and testing is not recommended, the current advice from the BCCDC is isolate from others until you feel well enough to resume your regular activities.

Note that sometimes symptoms may suddenly worsen and require urgent medical care. Pay attention to how you are feeling. If it becomes harder to breathe, you can’t drink anything or feel much worse report it immediately.