Let’s Hear it for our Coaches!

Let’s Hear it for our Coaches!

Author: BC Winter Games/Tuesday, February 6, 2018/Categories: 2018 BC Winter Games

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Let’s Hear it for our Coaches!  

Coach Profile:  Lorelei St. Rose

Speed skating coach, Lorelei St. Rose has an impressive resume – she is truly a star! We do not often think of coaches when we think BC Games, but without them our young athletes would not be accomplishing their dreams on the provincial stage.  


We caught up with Lorelei as she prepares for the Kamloops 2018 BC Winter Games, her third Games as a coach., Lorelei participated in her first BC Winter Games in 2014. as an Apprentice Coach in Speed Skating. In 2016, Lorelei came back to the BC Winter Games as an ‘Assistant Coach’ and in the upcoming 2018 BC Winter Games, Lorelei will be ‘Head Coach’ for her speed skating team. Lorelie was also an Apprentice Coach for the CanWest Games in 2013 (followed by another appearance in 2015), and an award-winning Apprentice Coach in the 2015 Canada Winter Games.  


The 2014 BC Winter Games were a way to help Lorelei prepare for future events and competitions that she was involved in. “The camaraderie the athletes develop and display through the duration of the Games…amazing memories!” shares Lorelei.  

She has a strong list of accomplishments in each stage of her coaching career; this has enabled her to move up the coaching ladder, and continually grow in all areas of her life. Lorelei explains that her first BC Winter Games was an eye-opening and important experience.  


“The BC Winter Games provide an important benchmark for athletes to target along the development pathway” recalls Lorelei. “It is motivating, inspiring and fun! Having targets to train, plan and prepare for are very important as this teaches each athlete valuable athletic habits that can be refined as they develop and mature.”  


Between her involvement in the 2015 Canada Winter Games as Apprentice Coach, the 2016 Can West Games as a Head Coach, and being involved in her coaching of Competition Development, Lorelei believes the BC Winter Games were a stepping stone in her professional coaching career.  Lorelei is looking forward at making more memories at the Kamloops 2018 BC Winter Games as Head Coach, followed by her involvement in the 2019 Canada Winter Games as a Team BC Short Track Speed Skating Coach.  


Thank you for your participation Lorelei! Thank you to all the fantastic coaches involved in making the BC Winter Games an incredible, athletic milestone.


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